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Rabotaju v klube muz. ruk. Nachinal eschio v detstve vo dvore. Au-jau-jau pod gitaru s rebjatami.Byvali v zhizni kriticheskie momenty, spasibo muzyke, pomogla!
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detskie pesni-«Propustite oblaka» |
18.12.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
File size: [34,2 kB] |
7/872 |
5,0 |
2 |
Kadysheva Nadezhda-«Ljubov' takaja» |
13.04.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
Soft Yamaha | more info...
[122,1 kB] |
7/1043 |
- |
- |
Kuznetsov Alexander-«Sanochki» |
22.12.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
File size: [68,6 kB] |
5/855 |
- |
- |
Derzhavin Andrey (Stalker band)-«Ja hochu dozhdja» |
23.06.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
Pisal na Tyros, adaptiroval pod Soft Yamaha. [45,0 kB] |
4/823 |
5,0 |
1 |
Derzhavin Andrey (Stalker band)-«Zhuravli» |
25.07.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
File size: [26,7 kB] |
4/1358 |
5,0 |
1 |
folk song-«Vo sadu li, v ogorode» |
19.12.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
Dlja tantseval'noi gruppy detskogo sadika [18,4 kB] |
4/1176 |
5,0 |
2 |
detskie pesni-«Milaja mama» |
22.12.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
Optimizirovano pod soft XG [26,9 kB] |
4/1844 |
5,0 |
1 |
Uspenskaya Lubov-«Belye oblaka» |
10.09.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
File size: [105,7 kB] |
4/729 |
5,0 |
1 |
Morozova Tatjana-«Mama ne rugai» |
21.01.2011 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
more info...
[133,7 kB] |
4/735 |
5,0 |
1 |
Iglesias Julio-«La Paloma» |
11.06.2011 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
more info...
[64,0 kB] |
4/1405 |
5,0 |
1 |
detskie pesni-«Malen'koi elochke holodno zimoi» |
21.12.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
2 |
Ukorochennyi variant [14,6 kB] |
3/2238 |
- |
- |
Derzhavin Andrey (Stalker band)-«Veter unosit» |
13.09.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
File size: [52,2 kB] |
2/848 |
5,0 |
2 |
Obodzinskiy Valeriy-«Gljazhu v ozera sinie» |
12.01.2011 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
File size: [36,9 kB] |
2/1098 |
5,0 |
2 |
Jasmin-«Dobrye primety» |
11.08.2009 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
remake |
File size: [63,7 kB] |
1/813 |
- |
- |
detskie pesni-«Malen'kaja Ja» |
3.01.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
Soft Yamaha [37,0 kB] |
1/1013 |
- |
- |
Blanter Matvey-«V lesu prifrontovom» |
15.05.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
own arrangement |
Soft Yamaha [37,2 kB] |
1/19 |
5,0 |
1 |
Clayderman Richard-«Ballade pour Adeline» |
23.05.2010 |
Ignatjev Valeriy |
like original |
Soft Yamaha | more info...
[27,9 kB] |
1/1945 |
5,0 |
2 |
Работаю в клубе муз. рук. Начинал ещё в детстве во дворе. Ау-яу-яу под гитару с ребятами.Бывали в жизни критические моменты, спасибо музыке, помогла!
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» Birthday |
16.01.1961 (64)
artist, composer, arranger