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 Macedonia, Veles
Birthday: 16.01.1961 (64)
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on midi  Panamarjov Oleg - «Atir17»

01-06-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Еxciting music with a very peaceful middle section.
02-06-2011  Panamarjov Oleg:
Many thanks, Zoran!
on midi  Panamarjov Oleg - «Rondo a la Turqa(turetskiy marsh)»  2 version

07-05-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Interesting arrangement! I especially liked the clarinet melody starting at 1:40 (it reminds mi of a marching band) and piano roll at 2:04. Only deficiency I noted is too quiet sounding (too low main volume) of your last two songs (which is probably due to your equipment). Greetings.
07-05-2011  Panamarjov Oleg:
Many thanks, Zoran! Too low main volume of last two songs(accepted) is due to my laziness to listen it the last time before laying out it on(I promise to be corrected ).
on midi  Panamarjov Oleg - «Progulka»

29-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Очень спокойная прогулка There is a wrong guitar note (accompaniment) at 1:29 which is slightly disturbing.
29-04-2011  Panamarjov Oleg:
Thanks, Zoran! Sorry, I've examined the whole step up&down, criss&cross but have found nothing. If you mean big second C+D,then they are quite supposed together in a sept-harmony of a chord in one step or a share.
P.S* Or we haven't understood each other
Nevertheless, thanks.
29-04-2011  Zorant:
Track 6, tact 40, you have 3 notes gis2 and they create major not minor harmony. Insted of gis2 you need fis2 for first two notes and g2 for the third (at list I think so . )
29-04-2011  Panamarjov Oleg:
Right you are Zoran, thanks! Some steps of track 6 I corrected after transposing, that's why, perhaps...(roof on one side)
Once more, THANNN-K-SSS!
30-04-2011  Zorant:
You are (but better don't)
on midi  Tsirjuk Pavel - «Molitva»

27-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
The melody is too broken at times but still enjoyable for listening.
10-05-2011  Tsirjuk Pavel:
Спасибо, Zoran! Приятна и полезна.
on midi  Radda - «On ne pozvonil»

27-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Excellent harmonies, subtle feelings. I like it.
on midi  Korotyshev Il\'ja - «Dozhdi»

27-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Simple but nice. Very peaceful music.
on midi  Mazan Juliа - «Val's pervoklassnikov»

27-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Nice music. Could be used as film music for an old Hollywood movie.
17-05-2011  Mazan Juliа:
on midi  Panamarjov Oleg - «Kuplety»  3 version

24-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
The original is unknown to me but this sounds interesting and enjoyable. I think (I've tried) that without drums is even better.
06-05-2011  Panamarjov Oleg:
Thanks, Zoran! Perhaps, you're right. It's a kind of russian chastooshkas.
on midi  Panamarjov Oleg - «Am(survived)»

24-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
Variations, too melodic for a classical organ (thankfully). I like it just because of the pretty melodies.
06-05-2011  Panamarjov Oleg:
Thanks, Zoran! Originally it was a song about an old musician. I also liked it.There are very few my opuses which still are pleasant to me.
on midi  Super-Antoshka - «Something»  2 version

20-04-2011    Zorant  (Basic user)  Excellent
The accompaniment is great, especialy the rhythm guitar. I do not like much the main vocal timbre (Solo vox or Lead vocal). Maybe some woodwind instrument will do better. Greetings.
21-04-2011  Super-Antoshka:
I agree with you about the rude sound of Lead 6 (voice), but it's my considered opinion.
Once upon a time I've arrived at an idea that MIDI is not a music but just a standard, so I makes it most with mind, not an ears. Actually in compromise.
Anyway thanks Zoran!
21-04-2011  Zorant:
Yes you're right; one must have great imagination and great love for music to be able to withstand the funny sound of the midi music. Fortunately there are such freaks.
Here is comments on midi posted by page owner.
   » Zorant    
   » Birthday    
Villa-Lobos Heitor
05.03.1887 (138)
Sanderson Richard
05.03.1953 (72)
Fatyanov Alexey
05.03.1919 (106)

Zvezdinskiy Michail
06.03.1945 (80)

06.03.1983 (42)

skalozub vladimir
06.03.1974 (51)


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