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Ignatjev Valeriy
status Full member
public access not denied
arranger (17)
Rossiа, pos. Kljuchi, Irkutskaja oblast'
Birthday: 06.01.1960 (64)
Rabotaju v klube muz. ruk. Nachinal eschio v detstve vo dvore. Au-jau-jau pod gitaru s rebjatami.Byvali v zhizni kriticheskie momenty, spasibo muzyke, pomogla!
Artist/Band/Performed in Composition a c t m  
Blanter Matvey V lesu prifrontovom       midi maker  
Clayderman Richard Ballade pour Adeline       midi maker  
Derzhavin Andrey (Stalker band) Ja hochu dozhdja       midi maker  
Derzhavin Andrey (Stalker band) Veter unosit       midi maker  
Derzhavin Andrey (Stalker band) Zhuravli       midi maker  
detskie pesni Malen'kaja Ja       midi maker  
detskie pesni Malen'koi elochke holodno zimoi       midi maker  
detskie pesni Milaja mama       midi maker  
detskie pesni Propustite oblaka       midi maker  
folk song Vo sadu li, v ogorode       midi maker  
Iglesias Julio La Paloma       midi maker  
Jasmin Dobrye primety       midi maker  
Kadysheva Nadezhda Ljubov' takaja       midi maker  
Kuznetsov Alexander Sanochki       midi maker  
Morozova Tatjana Mama ne rugai       midi maker  
Obodzinskiy Valeriy Gljazhu v ozera sinie       midi maker  
Uspenskaya Lubov Belye oblaka       midi maker  
Работаю в клубе муз. рук. Начинал ещё в детстве во дворе. Ау-яу-яу под гитару с ребятами.Бывали в жизни критические моменты, спасибо музыке, помогла!

The story adding allowed to registered users only

All above compositions are there author/band took part.
If You are midi-maker, at last column you've get an instant access to edit info about your midi arrangements.
   » Игнатьев Ва...    
   » Birthday    
Galstjan Kamo
27.07.1960 (64)

Popovich Alik
28.07.1960 (64)


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