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Privet vsem! Ja zakonchil Krasnodarskoe muzykal'noe uchilische - kolledzh v 1993 godu po klassu bajan (otdelenie narodnyh instrumentov). S togo vremeni i ponyne rabotaju v sel'skom DK, pravda ne sovsem po spetsial'nosti. E-mail:
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noname_artist-«Rodina» |
2.05.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
self-made composition |
Na stihi K. Ibrjaeva. Tekst est' v infe faila... [19,5 kB] |
6/1374 |
- |
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folk song-«Ja vesiolyi vzor zametil» |
16.02.2021 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
File size: [64,4 kB] |
6/450 |
5,0 |
2 |
Sarukhanov Igor-«Jaschiki pochtovye» |
9.03.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
Delal 10 let nazad na Roland D-20. Tekst: [41,6 kB] |
5/1125 |
5,0 |
1 |
folk song-«Lozhki derevenskie» |
22.02.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
Delal kak vokal'no - horeograficheskuju kompozitsiju. | more info...
[49,8 kB] |
3/1707 |
5,0 |
2 |
Chizh Andrei-«Autumn» |
10.03.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
Voobsche to eto byla pesnja, no tekst zabyl naproch'! sm. "podrobno" | more info...
[44,7 kB] |
3/1070 |
5,0 |
1 |
noname_artist-«Utro tumannoe» |
18.04.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
Poprosili sdelat' chisto gitarnyi akkompanement [7,9 kB] |
3/1238 |
5,0 |
1 |
Бардин Александр-«Ne otpuschu tebja domoi» |
23.03.2023 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
File size: [67,4 kB] |
3/256 |
5,0 |
3 |
folk song-«(V Lesu Rodilas Elochka) Christmas Song» |
25.02.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
theme fantasy |
2 |
Dzhazovaja fantaziа na temu izvestnoi pesenki [36,6 kB] |
2/2092 |
5,0 |
4 |
Krinitsa-«Oh i v Taganroge» |
3.04.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
remake |
"Oh i v Taganroge" ansambl' "Krinitsa" folk-rock | more info...
[88,3 kB] |
2/806 |
5,0 |
1 |
Babkina Nadezhda, Russkaja Pesnja Band-«Ehh poi, devka stoi» |
8.02.2022 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
File size: [88,1 kB] |
2/353 |
5,0 |
1 |
Chizh Andrei-«Na ulitse dozhdik» |
28.02.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
theme fantasy |
Dlja togo chtoby uslyshat' vsio chto slyshu ja, luchshe vosproizvodit' na VSC-88 [74,0 kB] |
1/1519 |
5,0 |
1 |
Leont'eva Irina-«Peryshko» |
17.03.2009 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
Delal kogda-to myshoi, chut' oblagorodil :-) [24,5 kB] |
1/1215 |
5,0 |
2 |
folk song-«Ja vesiolyi vzor zametil» |
8.02.2022 |
Chizh Andrei |
like original |
File size: [64,4 kB] |
1/268 |
5,0 |
1 |
Привет всем! Я закончил Краснодарское музыкальное училище - колледж в 1993 году по классу баян (отделение народных инструментов). С того времени и поныне работаю в сельском ДК, правда не совсем по специальности. E-mail:
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