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okonchil v 2003 godu Kazahskiy natsional'nyi tehnicheskiy universitet, seichas rabotaju predsedatelem pravleniа v AO "Tehnopark KazNTU", iz uvlecheniy - v pervuju ochered' sochinitel'stvo vsjakogo roda muzyki
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Gafiatullin Farkhad-«Pizza con formaggio» |
14.01.2008 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
pljasovaja v ital'janskom stile | more info...
[34,8 kB] |
5/803 |
5,0 |
2 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad-«Desert mission» |
25.01.2008 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
zapasites' terpeniem - vesch' na 4 s polovinoi minuty | more info...
[51,8 kB] |
4/870 |
5,0 |
1 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad-«Sumerki» |
2.10.2007 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
dlja f-no i strunnyh | more info...
[7,0 kB] |
2/956 |
5,0 |
3 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad-«Krasnye oblaka na zakate trevozhat moju pamjat'» |
14.10.2007 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
vesh' v 4-h akkordah | more info...
[8,0 kB] |
1/731 |
5,0 |
2 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad-«Nazad v Chikago» |
26.10.2007 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
optimizirovan fail pod TTS-1 | more info...
[37,2 kB] |
1/984 |
5,0 |
5 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad-«A Morning Dream» |
17.12.2007 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
ocherednoi ehkzersis na pentatoniku | more info...
[37,4 kB] |
1/804 |
5,0 |
1 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad-«Elegiа» |
19.02.2008 |
Gafiatullin Farkhad |
self-made composition |
dlja f-no i gruppy violonchelei [12,2 kB] |
1/822 |
5,0 |
3 |
окончил в 2003 году Казахский национальный технический университет, сейчас работаю председателем правления в АО "Технопарк КазНТУ", из увлечений - в первую очередь сочинительство всякого рода музыки
The story adding allowed to registered users only
My listeners (2) |
05.07.1986 (38)
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